mona abdslam Salam alshams
Permanent Lecturer
Qualification: Doctorate
Academic rank: Associate professor
Specialization: Interior design - Fine Arts
Department of Plastic Arts - School of Media and Arts
About mona
Mona Al Shams is a faculty member in the Department of Fine Arts / School of Media and Arts at the Libyan Academy. She worked as a faculty member in the Department of Interior Design at the College of Arts and Design until 2024. Ms. Mona Al Shams has been working in her field of specialization since 2006 as a collaborator in the same specialization, then a permanent faculty member from 2012 until she moved to the Academy as a permanent faculty member at the end of 2024. A faculty member in graduate studies at the college in the Department of Fine and Applied Arts, and supervised many master's theses and still does. She also carried out many activities in the field of graduate studies such as organizing discussion groups and workshops with students at this stage. In addition to her work as a researcher at the University of Tripoli, she worked as a collaborating faculty member at the Libyan Academy for Graduate Studies at the master's and doctoral levels for many years. And a number of private universities. The researcher works on quality programs regarding subject courses and teaching methods to raise human outcomes in the long term. She was part of the committee charged with preparing the academic program for developing the Interior Design Department from a department to a section. She also prepared the Master's program in the field of Interior Design in order to open scientific horizons for this specialization at the postgraduate level. She also participated in preparing the Interior Design Program at Tripoli National University as head of the committee charged with preparing the program. Before joining Tripoli University, the doctor worked in the field of interior design on the private and public levels as an appointed engineer in the General Furniture Company between the years (2000 - 2005). After obtaining her Master's degree in the year (2006), she also worked in a large number of higher institutes and university colleges as a collaborating faculty member. On the administrative level, she held many administrative positions, including Head of the Interior Design Department for a number of years, and also Head of the Department of Fine and Applied Arts at the College of Arts. The researcher is interested in scientific publishing in the field of interior design in the fields of environmental design and ecology, sustainability topics and interest in materials in design, and the extent of the role they play in maintaining the health of the interior space. She has a number of published research in this field in a number of peer-reviewed scientific journals. She also has a special interest in local residential architecture, and aspires to develop her vocabulary, especially in interior architecture. She has many published papers in this field. More are on their way to publication. The researcher is interested in publishing in various fields of arts, and she has research participations in a number of local and Arab conferences.
المباني السكنية المتكاملة مع الخلايا الضوئية أهميتها وخصائصها ومتطلباتها.
مقال في مجلة علميةمنى عبدالسلام سالم الشامس، نائلة المنير عبدالسلام المحمودي، (09-2021)، الاكاديمية الليبية: مجلة الإعلام و الفنون، 6 (2)، 22-48
الاستدامة في العمارة السكنية على مستوى التصميم الداخلي
مقال في مجلة علميةمنى عبدالسلام سالم الشامس، (12-2020)، جامعة مصراتة: مجلة كلية الفنون والاعلام، 11 (6)، 9-43
تأثير المواد وتقنيات الإنشاء على الشكل في العمارة التقليدية لقرية)طرميسة( القديمة بجبل نفوسة
مقال في مجلة علميةمنى عبدالسلام سالم الشامس، (02-2020)، الجمعية الليبية لعلوم التعليم /طرابلس: الجمعية الليبية لعلوم التعليم، 1 (1)، 106-137
الخصائص المعمارية والمناخية للفناء الداخلي في العمارة السكنية لمدينة طرابلس القديمة
مقال في مجلة علمية
منى عبدالسلام سالم الشامس، حامد شعبان القبلاوي، رمضان ابو عجيلة أبو سريويل، (03-2019)، جامعة مصراتة: مجلة كلية الفنون والاعلام، 3 (1)، 245-280